My Intro – What Brought Me to Vivaldi

Hey everybody. I was an avid Opera user until a few months ago when I was trying to do something that the browser stopped supporting. I can’t even remember what it was now. Anyway, so I started using Torch browser and it was good for a while (after I got it set to my liking and all of course) something happened and I just had to find another browser. I decided to try Firefox. I like that I can customize it and all but after I get a few extensions and tabs open it just crawled by. I never could find a way around it. So then I tried Iron Browser and I really liked it and stuck with it for months but then it was like I was having either compatibility issues or errors. It seemed there was always something I was trying to fix all the time and not having time to do what I really wanted to do. Which was be productive online without having to constantly search for a plugin or extension to fill a need. Not to mention having to search for fixes within the hidden settings. Don’t get me wrong. I love looking for new tech and software and what not but I don’t want it to be because I have to due to the browser not working like I need it to. So anyway, I was having the usual errors with Iron and I noticed Vivaldi in one of my searches and thought I’d check it out. So here I am. I only play a couple of games when I’m winding down. I don’t need alot of eyecandy even though I don’t mind some. I just want a browser that will be sufficient within itself without using half or more of my CPU and/or memory and then still crawling by. I like productivity. I like being able to multi-task. I’m trying to get a good understanding of what all the browser can do and the most optimal settings for it. I’ve recently found out that I can set an affinity for any process to change how many resources it uses but I don’t know enough about it to actually change anything yet. I look forward to this browser experience and I hope it lasts. Blessings to ALL!